Aoki Diabetes Research Institute (ADRI) announced today that it is not affiliated in any way with the following organizations: North American Diabetes Solutions, Inc. or Inpulse Metabolic Treatment Centers, DocRock, Dr. Stone, or any chiropractic office or practice. Neither our founder, Dr. Thomas T. Aoki nor ADRI has endorsed any of these companies or their products. ADRI recently learned that these companies and others are claiming some association or manner of endorsement was made on their behalf by ADRI. This is untrue. Any such claims were made without ADRI’s knowledge or permission..   

The unauthorized use of ADRI’s name and Dr. Aoki’s name on the websites and , together with the unauthorized use of corrupted versions of Dr. Aoki’s lecture slides (as well as unpublished results from Dr. Aoki’s research on metabolic activation) has prompted legal action. The lecture slides contain copyrighted published material from medical journals, and the unauthorized placement of these copyrighted materials on websites promoting unauthorized procedures may also prompt lawsuits from the original medical publishers.

The unauthorized attempts to associate another program with ADRI and Dr. Aoki appear to be connected with an attempt by certain untrained persons to illegally duplicate and market CIIIT(metabolic activation therapy), a patented treatment for severe diabetes. These attempts are of great concern because the use of CIIIT (metabolic activation treatment) protocols by untrained persons may be extremely hazardous to the patient’s health. ADRI and Dr. Aoki urge all patients  with diabetes to consult a licensed medical physician with specialized training in the treatment of diabetes. Please check Locations for the names of cities that have sites that are supervised by physicians trained in (and having legitimate rights to treat patients using) the procedures employing metabolic activation or continuous intermittent intravenous insulin therapy.

Copyright ©2015 Aoki Diabetes Research Institute. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED